Postman and vCloud Director 9.5 Access Token Authentication

Quick post on how to configure Postman to use the new vCloud API 31.0 bearer token authentication instead of the deprecated authorization token header.

    1. Create your environment if you have not done yet so by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner. Specify environment name and host variable with FQDN to the vCloud Director instance.
    2. Select the environment in the pull down selection box next to the gear icon.
    3. Create new POST request with URL https://{{host}}/api/sessions
      In Headers section add Accept header: application/*+xml;version=31.0
    4. Go to the Tests section and add the following code snippet:
      var bearer = postman.getResponseHeader("X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN")

    5. In the Authorization section, select Basic Auth type and provide username (including @org) and password.
    6. Click Send. You should see Status: 200 OK and the response Headers and Body. Save the request into existing or new collection.

      If you did not get 200 OK, fix the error (credentials, or typo).
    7. Notice that in the Headers section of the response is provided the X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN. We will not use it for subsequent API calls. It has been picked up and saved into environment variable by the code provided in step #4.
    8. Create new API call. For example: GET https://{{host}}/api/org. Keep the same Accept header. Go to Authorization tab and change the type to Bearer Token and in the token field provide {{X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-ACCESS-TOKEN}}
    9. Click Send. You should get response Status: 200 OK and a list of all Organizations the user is authorized in. Save the new call into collection as Get Organizations.

    Create additional calls into your collection as needed by repeating steps #8-9. You can now reuse your collection anytime also on different environments. Log in first with the POST Login call while specifying correct credentials and then run any other calls from the collection.

Gathering Health Status of vCloud Director Edge Gateways

Some time ago I wrote about how to monitor health of NSX Edge Gateways. In this blog post I will show how to get health and other info about vCloud Director Edge Gateways with PowerCLI.

PowerCLI already includes vCloud Director related cmdlets, unforunatelly there is none related to Edge Gateways. This can be easily remediated by using vCloud API however to get detailed information about Edge health we must use NSX API. As of vCloud Director 8.0 the service provider can easily get NSX Edge ID which is backing up particular vCloud Director Edge as a new type GatewayBacking was added.

What follows is an example of function that collects as much information as possible (interfaces, network services, size, syslog, default gateway, health of all services, Org, Org VDC and Provider VDC) about all Edge Gateways from PowerCLI, vCloud API and NSX API.

Note: there is dependency on the Get-NSXEdgeHealth function.

function Get-CIEdgeGateways {
<# .SYNOPSIS Gathers Edge Gateways from vCloud Director and all info through PowerCLI, vCloud API and NSX API .DESCRIPTION Will inventory all of your vCloud Director Edge Gateways .NOTES Author: Tomas Fojta #>
	[String]$NSXUsername = "admin",

	$output = @();
	$EdgeGWs = Search-Cloud -QueryType EdgeGateway

	Foreach ($Edge in $EdgeGWs) {
		$Edgeview = $Edge | get-ciview
		$Vdc = get-OrgVdc -Id ($Edge.PropertyList.Vdc) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
		$webclient = New-Object
		$webclient.Headers.Add("accept",$EdgeView.Type + ";version=9.0")
		[xml]$EGWConfXML = $webclient.DownloadString($EdgeView.href)
		$n = "" | Select Name,Description,EdgeBacking,Interfaces,Firewall,NAT,LoadBalancer,DHCP,VPN,Routing,Syslog,Size,HA,DNSRelay,DefaultGateway,AdvancedNetworking, Org, TenantId, OrgVDC, OrgVDCId, ProviderVDC, ProviderVDCId, Health
		$n.Name = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Name
		$n.Description = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Description
		$n.EdgeBacking = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.GatewayBackingRef.gatewayId
		$n.Interfaces = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.GatewayInterfaces.GatewayInterface
		$n.Firewall = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgegatewayServiceConfiguration.FirewallService.FirewallRule
		$n.NAT = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgegatewayServiceConfiguration.NatService.NatRule
		$n.LoadBalancer = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgegatewayServiceConfiguration.LoadBalancerService.VirtualServer	
		$n.DHCP = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgegatewayServiceConfiguration.GatewayDHCPService.Pool
		$n.VPN = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgegatewayServiceConfiguration.GatewayIpsecVpnService
		$n.Routing = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration.StaticRoutingService
		$n.Syslog = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.SyslogServerSettings.TenantSyslogServerSettings.SyslogServerIp
		$n.Size = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.GatewayBackingConfig
		$n.HA = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.HaEnabled
		$n.DNSRelay = $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.UseDefaultRouteForDnsRelay
		Foreach ($Interface in $n.Interfaces) {
			if ($Interface.UseForDefaultRoute -eq 'true') {$n.DefaultGateway = $Interface.SubnetParticipation.Gateway}
		$n.AdvancedNetworking= $EGWConfXML.EdgeGateway.Configuration.AdvancedNetworkingEnabled
		$n.Org = $Vdc.Org.Name
		$n.TenantId = $Vdc.Org.Id.Split(':')[3]
		$n.OrgVDC = $Vdc.Name
		$n.OrgVDCId = $Vdc.Id.Split(':')[3]
		$n.ProviderVDC = $Vdc.ProviderVDC.Name
		$n.ProviderVDCId = $Vdc.ProviderVDC.Id.Split(':')[3]
		$n.Health = Get-NSXEdgeHealth -NSXManager $NSXManager -Username $NSXUsername -Password $NSXPassword -EdgeID ($n.EdgeBacking)
		$Output += $n
	return $Output